June 9, 2014

About the iWalk 2.0

iWalk 2.0 ‐ Hands Free Crutch

STOP SUFFERING from the pain and inconvenience of conventional crutches!

http://shop.affordablemedical.us/products/iwalk2-0-hands-free-crutch-knee-walker-throw-your-old-crutches-away-14The iWalk 2.0 lets you continue you daily routine with little to no interruption. Best of all, you can use your hands!

Think of all the things you can’t do when using conventional crutches; preparing a meal, walking your dog, carrying a cup of coffee, pushing a shopping cart. Well, you no longer need to have your life interrupted ‐ the iWalk 2.0 sets you free to resume your day to day routine and enjoy pain free, functional mobility.

Stop sitting on the sidelines of your own life because a lower leg injury is impeding your mobility. The iWalk 2.0 allows you continue your daily routine with little to no interruption, all while safely letting your Achilles tendon surgery injury heal.

The iWalk 2.0 is a crutch alternative for non-­‐weight bearing lower leg injuries that frees the user from the limitations of conventional crutches. No more pain, Heel spur, nerve damage, or using your arms to support your weight, because the iWalk 2.0 enables the user to walk normally without using your upper body to provide support.

If you need to be non weight bearing for any length of time and do not want give up your traditional daily routine, the iWalk 2.0 is for you!

iWalk 2.0 Features and Benefits:
  • Pain free, hands free moblity
  • For all non­‐weight bearing lower leg injuries
  • Walking on the iWalk 2.0 feels natural and easy
  • Regain your independence
  • Tool free, intuitive adjustments
  • Take on or off in seconds
  • Quickly converts for Left or Right leg use
  • Fits heights from 4’10 to 6’6”
  • Independent upper and lower leg adjustments
  • Customizable straps
  • Comfortable for long term use
  • Keeps your injury partially elevated
  • Manufactured in the USA from the highest quality materials
  • Comes with a 1 Year Warranty
  • The iWalk 2.0 is a patented FDA and CE Registered Class 1 Medical Device.
  • Comfortable hypoallergenic foam padding
  • Clinically proven

iWalk2.0 Testimonials:

Jon demonstrates there are more important things to hold than crutches. . . children!

"iWalk-Free crutch has been a life saver during my recovery from a ruptured Achilles’ Tendon. Instead of being helpless and feeling like a burden, I can now perform day-to-day tasks with no issues. Cooking, cleaning, and playing with/carrying my 2 year old daughter all became possible once again. 

The iWalk-Free even gives me great traction through this rigid Canadian Winter season, and I can still shovel snow from my driveway. This is a great product and I am very thankful for it. The iWalk Customer Service team has been very helpful and accommodating to me. 

I’ll definitely be recommending this product to friends, family, and even strangers crutching around. THANK YOU iWalk-Free!!"

—Jon L – Calgary, Alberta

"This is an absolutely astounding device. I don't know why (more) doctors aren't aware of it. My surgeon congratulated me for finding the iWalk-Free, and has since recommended it to many patients.Three years ago I suffered a complete rupture of my left Achilles tendon while playing volleyball. My business is a hands-on job of maintaining tropical plants in office spaces and executive buildings.

The requirement of carrying up to four gallons of water (much of the time up and down stairs) could not even be attempted while using crutches. My iWalk crutch gave me the freedom to continue working while I healed from my injury. There is simply no other way I could have continued my business – and my income. 

Thank you for this wonderful product."

— Hadyn Jule, Nashville, Tennessee
The iWalk enabled JoAnn to help clean up the destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy."I live in New Jersey and we experienced about 5 feet of water in our neighborhood from Hurricane Sandy. After the hurricane there was such a mess to clean up and without my iWalk I would have been confined to the couch. I was three and a half weeks post surgery when Sandy hit. I was able to go outside and help clean the mess that she left. 

I can't say enough about how your product help me mentally as well as physically during the whole ordeal. Even without the hurricane, I felt I had my life as close to normal as I could and I think it really helped me heal. Thank you again for all your help. I am in a walking boot now, but when I've been on my foot too much I can just grab my I walk free and I'm off and running."

—Jo Ann Schon, New Jersey

"May I start with a disclaimer that I do not regularly write letters of praise to companies nor do I make recommendations lightly? Your product is an exception. I have used it and I have recommended it to many as well as loaned my Iwalk-free crutch out to about half a dozen very active friends that have also praised the device.

My story goes as follows. In 2006 I was finishing up the last few weeks of training to be a Pararescueman in the air force, a pipeline of over two years. During a fastroping iteration I had a bad landing. Falling to my side I knew something was not right. My fellow trainees, all medically trained as well, quickly came to my aid. Once at the hospital, my fears were confirmed and I had broken my ankle. Specifically it was a transverse and spiraling fracture of the distal fibula. Surgery went well, and I got away with only a plate and five screws. On the down side, I was out of training for six months, with two weeks in a cast then over a month more non-weight bearing. As I lay in my bed frustrated to no end, my mind spun. I was no stranger to crutches having broken my femur years earlier in a mountain biking accident. I knew what I was in for and did not look forward to it. I knew the challenges of day to day living. Like the simple questions of what to do if when pour a bowl of cereal and then need to take it from the kitchen counter to the dinner table? As simple act like that becomes a frustrating and sometimes messy task when one does not have use of their arms. Then my mind fell back to an instructor I had during paramedic school. He had a strange crutch like device strapped to his leg. A crutch that did not depend on arms. I tracked him down and got the details for the device. It was an Iwalk-free. A week later Thanks to this device I was standing and walking and using my hands.

Unable to train I was released on convalescent leave. My girlfriend and I loaded up a truck and drove back home to Washington. By that point I was very comfortable with my crutch. Realizing that I had months of healing on my hands before I could resume training I decided to build my house. Soon I found myself picking up lumber and building materials. I could dig with a shovel and even climb a ladder (carefully.) At one point I with just a friend and me on the Iwalk free, we were able to a carry a 400 pound timer to the site. Thanks to the Iwalk free crutch my time was far from wasted. Moreover the rest of my body stayed active. I was not restricted to stationary physical therapy. I was using my body and staying strong. By the time I was able to bear weight, the only atrophy to occur was that in my left lower leg.

The following winter a friend of mine who was suffering from chronic ankle pain had surgery to alleviate some of the discomfort. Having been so impressed by the device I loaned it to her. Next thing I knew she was reporting back that she regularly wore it to shovel snow from the driveway and she was so comfortable in it she had even used it to go cross country skiing. From her it moved on to another friend who broke his ankle trying to free a buried snowmobile. Then to another friend who injured her ankle parachuting, who then loaned it to her surgeon! The list goes on; this device is almost viral in how almost everyone to have worn it swears by it.

My hat is off to whom ever came up with this idea. No doubt they were a person who understood the needs of an active person. I have recommended the Iwalk- free to people on the street that I see walking on crutches, and sitting in doctor’s offices. I cannot speak highly enough of this amazing device.

Thank you,
—Simon Friedman

Tracy was able to enjoy the beach thanks to her iWalk-Free!

"I was first exposed to the iWALK while waiting to board an airplane in Long Beach three days after my Achilles surgery. I was flying across country to attend my uncle’s funeral and was completely discouraged with my crutches and inability to carry my purse and carry-on bag. However, all that changed when I met a current iWalk user on that very same flight! He let me try the iWalk, and I couldn’t believe that I could immediately walk around the terminal with ease. No crutches! I flew to Boston and spent the next four days fighting with my crutches and wishing I had the iWALK with me. I obtained an iWalk as soon as I returned home, and it made such a difference to me in my daily life. I used it frequently around my house, for Christmas shopping in the mall, and working in my office. I was able to easily navigate around my kitchen to prepare meals for my family, organize and supervise my daughter’s 11th birthday party with 25 kids in our front yard, and walk around Cancun during our family reunion. (All hands free)"

—Tracy Thordarson

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